The good doctor tore off the curious chicken to the fullest

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  • 10:30
  • 09.01.2024
  • 92
  • 145827
  • 0
«As soon as the chicken came to the hospital, she immediately noticed the unshaven doctor. He was much older than her, but the girl intuitively felt the presence of a large and hard horseradish in her pants. But one premonition was not enough, and I really wanted to quickly check in practice whether chuika was deceiving her. As it turned out, she did not disappoint, the penis was very good. It became clear as soon as the doctor took the friend out of his fly. By the way, I limited myself to this, without removing my trousers, but only after passing my pussy. But this satisfied whore turned out to be quite enough to get an orgasm!»

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