Ravishing blonde is getting fucked while at work after giving a blowjob to her assistant

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  • 28:46
  • 29.12.2023
  • 62
  • 111010
  • 0
«There was still a certain festive atmosphere in the office and no one really wanted to work. The secretary had not yet completely retired from parties, and therefore she did not notice how she offered the unshaven boss to get laid. He did not expect such an entrance from a usually fast-moving girl, and therefore did not pull the cat by the balls for a long time, but quickly took out the dick before the beauty changed her mind. Spreading it out on the table turned out to be a matter of a couple of seconds, after which it was possible to get down to business, pushing her fur deeper into her pussy. Christmas really felt that day in the office! And there were no interruptions with orgasms either.»

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